LINE Tutorial Video – Removing users from Blocked or Hidden users lists

Can you delete messages on LINE app?

Are you tired of receiving messages from your friends on your phone? Well, there are ways to delete them from the LINE app. There are three ways to delete messages on LINE: by tapping the X button in the bottom left corner of the message screen, by Delete All at once under Settings -> Messages -> Deleted Messages, or by selecting “Remove From Phone” under Messages -> Add New Message.

How do I hide line friends?

In order to hide line friends, it is important that you understand the basics. Line friends are people who you meet regularly and interact with frequently. By hiding line friends, you can limit your interactions with these people and make it easier for yourself to focus on your own life.

How do you delete a line contact?

You can delete a contact by selecting the Edit button and clicking on the Delete Line Contact option.

How do you permanently delete LINE messages?

LINE is a messaging app that allows users to send and receive messages. If someone deletes a message, the person can’t re-send the message or access the conversation. There are several ways to permanently delete LINE messages.

What happens when you delete chat history on LINE?

LINE is a popular messaging app with over 100 million users. With so many people using LINE, it’s important to make sure your chat history is protected and remains unaltered if you want to keep your account active and safe. If you decide to delete your chat history on LINE, be sure to follow these steps: 1. Log out of your account 2. Delete all of your conversations 3. Destroy anyturned in between conversations 4. Reset your phone or computer 5. Check for new messages on LINE 6. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team!

Can you hide friends in the LINE app?

LINE is a social network that allows you to keep friends close while on the go. However, there are times when it may be inconvenient to have everyone in one place. For example, if you’re traveling and want to stay in touch with your friends, LINE offers a way to do so. You can hide your friends from view when using the LINE app, but be aware that doing so may affect their interactions with you.

Can other people see my LINE friends?

You’re not alone. Many people are hesitant to let their friends see everything about them because they don’t want them to fall out of love with them. But, with the advent of social media, it’s now possible for other people to see what you’ve shared about yourself on Facebook. So why not take advantage of this new opportunity and make some new friends?

How do you know if someone unfriended you on LINE?

LINE is a social network that allows users to keep in touch with friends and family. If someone you know unfriended you on LINE, it can be difficult to determine if the move was an act of vengeance or simply a blunder. Here are some tips to help you understand if someone has removed your friendship from the platform: 1. Check the timeline of events: How long has this person been unfriending you? What have they posted about you on LINE? 2. Use the chat feature: If someone has removed your friendship, might they have used the chat function to do so? Check for topics that don’t seem like they would be appropriate for a public discussion, and see if anyone else has had similar experiences. 3. Contact them directly: Sometimes people remove friendships for reasons that are unknown, such as feeling uncomfortable about how their communication might be interpreted.

How do I delete history on LINE app?

Delete history on LINE app: How to do it. Delete history on LINE app is a process that can be quite tricky, but with a little effort it’s possible. Here are some tips to help you delete history on LINE app:

  1. Launch the LINE app and sign in if you haven’t done so already.2) Tap the three lines in the top left corner of the screen and select “History.”3) Scroll down until you find the deletion date for your message or chat topic. This should be in either a printed or electronic form (e.g., an email).4) tap the black arrow next to the deletion date, and then press Delete.5) confirm by tapping Yes under the warning box that you want to delete all of the data associated with that conversation or message.

Will deleting LINE account delete messages?

deleting LINE account deletes all messages in the account. This includes any messages sent from the LINE account and any messages sent from your phone. If you have any messages in your LINE account that you want to keep, you can either choose to delete them or store them on your computer for later retrieval. However, if you decide to delete your LINE account, be sure to backup all of your data so that you can easily access them in the future.